t. Standard wages and fees
Professional and industry association t. Theaterschaffen Schweiz provides as a wage and fee guide for professionals in the independent performing arts. This allows you to calculate appropriate earnings for your work and conduct transparent and comprehensible salary or fee negotiations.
t. Theaterschaffen Schweiz set up a working group for the further development of standard wages and fees. They began their work at the end of 2021. In a broad consultation process, a wide range of actors in the sector from all parts of the country were involved in tool development and in determining benchmarks.
In the process of further developing standard wages and fees, t. Theaterschaffen Schweiz encourages professionals on stage and behind the scenes, as well as interest groups, to engage more actively in the discussions on wages and fees. There is still too little talk about money, both in the independent performing arts and in culture. The t. Standard wages and fees create more transparency and aim to promote a culture of negotiation.
What does this tool offer?
At www.tpunkt.ch/richtloehne there are two newly created tools available that are tailored to the special working realities in the independent performing arts:
- Calculator for standard wages and fees: This online calculator can be used to determine the wages and fees for the project development and rehearsal phase.
- Budget for theatre performances: A budget template for calculating the price of a theatrical performance, including wage and fee costs, as well as all other costs.
What does this tool do?
With the t. Calculator, freelancers and self-employed persons can calculate their salary or fee for the development and rehearsal phase. New gradations such as work experience, the level of responsibility in the project and the work region are included.
The t. Budget can be used to calculate the recommended price of a performance and the amortization costs per performance.
Why is this tool important?
Professionals in the independent theatre scene, cabaret and other branches of the independent performing arts have a right to fair remuneration based on their training and professionalism.
t. offers the first national calculation tool for more transparency and negotiation culture in the entire sector.
Who is this tool for?
It serves as a guide for individual artists, theatre groups, agencies, event organisers, theatres and private and public funding bodies.
Working group t. Standard wages and fees
- Cristina Galbiati, Co-President of t. Theaterschaffen Schweiz.
- Eric Devanthéry, Management Board member of t. Theaterschaffen Schweiz.
- Nina Mariel Kohler, Management Board member of t. Theaterschaffen Schweiz.
- Christophe Drag, Administrative Manager Cie Philippe Saire
- Gabi Bernetta, Producer, Bernetta Theaterproduktionen, winner of the Swiss Theatre Award 2018
- Anja Lauper, Agent Kunstprojekte.ch / Tourbo-music.ch
- Judith Rohrbach, former Co-Director Kleintheater Lucerne / Since October 2023, Head of Swiss Artists’ Exchange and Deputy Head t. Theaterschaffen Schweiz).
Project management office t.
- Chantal Hirschi, Managing Director t. Theaterschaffen Schweiz).
- Clara Gudehus, Head of Services and Projects
Supported by m2act /Migros Culture Percentage, Swisslos Kultur Kanton Bern, Schweizerische Interpretenstiftung, Federal Office of Culture