

Is the structural transformation in the performing arts important to you? Migros Culture Percentage m2act connects you with like-minded people in the scene, to shape the future of the performing arts together: We are dedicated to helping implement fair practices and committed to creating sustainable structures. Key elements are the funding of cultural co-creation and support of accessible knowledge transfer. 


We support co-creative projects that contribute to fair and sustainable practices in the performing arts – from small experimental set-ups to large projects with audiences. Details

Ideas and projects currently being funded:

All funded projects


Our network events offer a platform for artists and other specialists to meet and exchange ideas. The focus of the events is on sharing knowledge and working together to create and try out forward-thinking ideas and approaches for the performing arts. Details


    October 2025

    m2act network meeting 2025

    The next network meeting will take place in October 2025 in collaboration with Helvetiarockt. Its thematic focus will be the abuse of power and sexualised and gender-specific violence in art and culture. More information will become available here on the m2act website in 2025.


The m2act toolbox offers practical tips and solutions developed through co-creative projects, which can be used to meet current challenges in the performing arts. We expand the toolbox continually with findings and insights from the networking events and projects that have received funding. The tools are available to everyone for unrestricted use and further development.


We regularly engage in dialogues regarding co-creative processes, fair practices and sustainable structures with experts from the performing arts and other areas. 

Interview, November 2023: With Lucrezia Perrig and Noemi GrĂŒtter about Le Carnet rose
Dialogue #02, June 2021: With Björn MĂŒller on transformation processes
Dialogue #01, February 2021: With Moritz von Rappard about co-creation



The application portal for the m2act Call for Action is now open. Submit your project proposal until midnight on March 3!

📅 Important Dates & Selection Procedure:

👉Start Date: January 15, 2025

📌Open Q&A via MS Teams (4–5 p.m.): Questions about the call for proposals and the funding process will be answered by the m2act team:
📌January 28, 2025 (German/English)
📌February 6, 2025 (French/Italian)
📌Deadline (11:59 p.m.): March 3, 2025

⭐Invitation to present the project (or rejection): April 7, 2025
⭐Presentation of the project (via MS Teams): April 24, 2025

✏Dispatch of acceptances and cancellations: April 25, 2025

đŸ€First Meeting: May 13 or May 15, 2025
đŸ€Second Interview: Mid-June 2025

🚀Start of Implementation: Summer 2025
🚀Finalization of Project and Final Meeting: Summer 2026

🔗 Link in bio

✹Let’s shine and act together for fair and sustainable practices in the performing arts!🌍💖

#ïžâƒŁ #m2act #funding #call #callforaction #callforproposals #opencall #ausschreibung #appelĂ projets #bando #migroskulturprozent #migrospourcentculturel #migrospercentoculturale #migrosengagement #fairpractice #sustainabletheatre #teamup #apply #toolsforchange #coaching #changeprocess

It’s time! On 15 January 2025, the m2act Call for Action 2025 begins!

🎭 Are you ready to tackle a current challenge in your collaboration?

💡 Struggling with space, time, or funding to reflect or make a change?

đŸ€ Want to share your experiences to inspire others in the performing arts community?

⏳ Do you have the time to refine and implement your project by summer 2026?

We invite companies, theatres, festivals, networks, and production offices in the performing arts to apply. Let’s improve the everyday working life of artists and drive structural change, one step at a time.

📅 More info available from 15 January 2025 on the m2act website!

We can’t wait to see your plans and projects for 2025! đŸŒ±


#m2act #CallForAction2025 #PerformingArts #StrukturellerWandel #KunstUndKultur #Bewerbung #Projektideen #2025
🚀1.10.2024_Burning Issues der Darstellenden KĂŒnste  im @karl_zuerich !🚀
Ein spannender Diskussionsabend, der zum Nachdenken, Diskutieren und Handeln anregt. đŸ€”đŸ«¶đŸœ

Grossen Dank an die Podiumsteilnehmer*innen:
@saimalinnea (M2ACT)
Gabi Mojez (@fairspec)
@johannamariaraimund (@artandcare_cosmos & @femaleact_)

und an die Moderation: Yeboaa Ofosu (Frieda KulturBeratung)

#fairepractice # kultur #kunst #inklusion #Nachhaltigkeit #kulturberatung
NĂ€chsten Dienstag @karl_zuerich :
âšĄïžBURNING ISSUES der Darstellenden KĂŒnsteâšĄïž

Ein Jahr nach dem m2act x Burning Issues Netzwerktreffen in Bern, bei dem Kultur- und Kreativschaffende ĂŒber DiversitĂ€t, Inklusion und Gleichstellung in den darstellenden KĂŒnsten diskutierten und ein Abschlussdokument erstellten, – blicken wir zurĂŒck und fragen: Welche Entwicklungen und VerĂ€nderungen wurden durch die Initiativen bereits ausgelöst? Welche Probleme und Hindernisse sind aufgetreten? Und wie können wir sicherstellen, dass die Initiativen eine möglichst nachhaltige Wirkung entfalten? 

Anmeldelink in der Bio!


Next Tuesday @karl_zuerich :
âšĄïžBURNING ISSUES of the performing artsâšĄïž

One year After the m2act x Burning Issues network meeting in Bern, at which cultural and creative professionals discussed diversity, inclusion and equality in the performing arts and drew up a final document, – we look back and ask: What developments and changes have already been triggered by the initiatives? What problems and obstacles have arisen? And how can we ensure that the initiatives have as lasting an impact as possible? 

Hit the Bio for registration✹
🚀Diesen Freitag stellen wir das von uns geförderte Projekt von Heitere Fahne und Frei_Raum vor:

Eine Praktische Ausbildung in der Kunst, Gesellschaft zu machen

Ein inklusiver Kultursektor braucht DiversitĂ€t im Personal vor, hinter und auf der BĂŒhne! Fehlende Bildungsangebote verhindern aber Menschen mit Behinderungen oft den Einstieg in die professionelle Kulturwelt. Die Heitere Fahne und das Kollektiv Frei_Raum rufen deshalb eine Kulturausbildung fĂŒr Menschen mit anderen Lernmöglichkeiten ins Leben

Gemeinsam mit Nele Jahnke (Regisseurin, Dramaturgin und Teil des Leitungsteams der MĂŒnchner Kammerspiele) und Susanne Schneider (TanzpĂ€dagogin, Choreografin und MitbegrĂŒnderin BewegGrund) entwickeln die Heitere Fahne und das Kollektiv Frei_Raum einen Lehrplan. Dieser deckt sowohl Grundlagen kĂŒnstlerischer Arbeit in den Darstellenden KĂŒnsten wie auch ein VerstĂ€ndnis von AblĂ€ufen in Kulturinstitutionen ab.

👉Weitere Infos zum Projekt findest du auf unserer Webseite. Link in der Bio.


🚀This Friday we present you the project we are supporting from Heitere Fahne and Frei_Raum:

Practical training in the art of making society

An inclusive cultural sector needs diversity in front of, behind and on stage! However, a lack of educational opportunities often prevents people with disabilities from entering the professional cultural world. Heitere Fahne and the Frei_Raum collective are launching a cultural education programme for people with different learning opportunities.

Together with Nele Jahnke (director, dramaturge and part of the management team of Munich Kammerspiele) and Susanne Schneider (dance teacher, choreographer and co-founder of BewegGrund), Heitere Fahne and the Frei_Raum collective are developing a curriculum. This covers both the basics of artistic work in the performing arts and an understanding of processes in cultural institutions.

👉You can find all further information about the project on our website. Link in the bio.
☀Heute stellen wir dir das von uns geförderte Vorhaben des Theater Chur vor:

House peace and the path to democratic participation at Theater Chur

Am Theater Chur sollen zeitgemĂ€sse Betriebsstrukturen entstehen. Theaterleitung und Team wollen gemeinsam Formen der Zusammenarbeit zur Positionierung nach innen und aussen finden, die den Aufgaben und BedĂŒrfnissen eines Theaterbetriebs wie dem Theater Chur aktuell entsprechen und in die Zukunft weisen. 

Die Vision ist, Frieden durch Aktion zu schaffen. Zuerst im Team und dann als Institution und hinaus in die Stadt, mit kĂŒnstlerischen Projekten wie z.B. einer VolkskĂŒche.

Dies wird durch internen und externen Austausch und durch Begleitung der beiden erfahrenen Trainerinnen Anisha Imhasly und Aurélie de Lalande möglich. Es werden Tools erarbeitet, welche im Alltag in schwierigen Situationen direkt eingesetzt werden können.

Alle weiteren Infos zum Projekt findest du auf unserer Webseite. Link in der Bio.


☀Today we present the project we are supporting at the Theater Chur:

House peace and the path to democratic participation at Theater Chur

Modern operating structures are set to be established at Theater Chur. The theatre management and team are seeking to find collaborative methods for internal and external positioning that are future-oriented and appropriate to the modern tasks and needs of a theatre company such as Theater Chur. 

Its vision is to achieve peace through action. First as a team, then as an institution before taking it out into the city with artistic projects such as a people’s kitchen.

This is made possible by internal and external exchanges and the support of two experienced coaches: Anisha Imhasly and Aurélie de Lalande. Tools are being developed that can be used directly in difficult situations in everyday life..

You can find all further information about the project on our website. Link in the bio.

Happy Weekend💓

The Migros Culture Percentage supports cultural and social initiatives and unlocks a wide range of opportunities for a broad section of the population. Alongside traditional programmes it specifically highlights visionary social ventures. The Migros Culture Percentage also includes the Migros Club School, the Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute, the Migros Museum of Contemporary Art, the four «im GrĂŒnen» parks and the Monte Generoso rack railway. In all, the Migros Culture Percentage invests over 140 million francs each year.
