Tanzworkshop.Kreation – Tanzvermittlung.KörperBildSinnSprache
A dancer who is unable to hear and a dancer with regular hearing come together to experiment in a space without spoken or sign language and develop a workshop format. We use artistic means to research communicating with the senses and attempt to understand nuanced movements. This form of communication through dance will exclude any spoken or sign language, with the aim of working on mediation through the body in which everyone is a beginner.
The workshop will be carried out to strengthen the deaf dancing community as well as to promote non-verbal skills. Everyone will work at the horizontal level, on experimenting, playing with movements and gestures to convey misunderstandings in an artistic way and delving into ways of understanding that stretch beyond speech. The workshop is an opportunity to set up collaborative working processes between those who can and cannot hear, in which both parties are the experts.
movo – Verein für darstellende Künste mit gehörlosen und hörenden Menschen (the movo association for the performing arts with people who can and cannot hear) aims to bring together two worlds, promote the deaf community in Switzerland and create experimental dance and theatre projects. With its project «Tanzworkshop.Kreation – Tanzvermittlung. KörperBildSinnSprache» («dance workshop.creation; dance mediation.body/image/senses/language»), it aims to promote sustainable, long-term and collaborative ways of working together that can then be used independently. Another objective is to drive forward the professionalisation of deaf dancers, fighting against the discrimination faced in this, as well as in many other working areas, that is causing a deficit of professional deaf dancers in Switzerland.
Dance-Workshop & Sharing at Tanzhaus Zürich
Friday, 09 September 2022, 15h30 till 19h00
People involved
Denise Ledermann, member of the board movo, sign language specialist, OC, Bern
Katja Tissi, Member of the Board movo, Specialist Swiss-German Sign Language, OK, Winterthur
Lua Leirner, member of the board movo, performer/actress, OK, Basel
Mara Flückiger, member of the board movo, sign language interpreter, OC, Bern
Tomy Lee Jones, theatre-/filmmaker, musician, passion administrator, Winterthur
Christina Gabriela Galli, dance and theatre professional, OC, Winterthur