Green Rider

Tasty Future encourages institutions in the Swiss cultural landscape to design their gastronomy and catering concepts in a new and sustainable way – with a focus on plant-based nutrition. The Green Rider developed by Tasty Future now enables teams to find out about environmentally friendly options for vegan catering in the backstage area, plant-based milk alternatives or plastic-free water.

The Zurich activists behind the initiative are convinced that «business as usual» is not an option in view of the climate crisis. Founded in 2021 by Daniel Hellmann and Barbara Ellenberger, the team of food activists is constantly growing.

What does this tool comprise?

The Green Rider is a template for artists and creative artists and institutions that they can easily pass on to venues. It enables environmentally friendly options to be requested, such as vegan catering, plastic-free water or sustainable materials.


#sustainability #techride r#vegan #plasticfree #greenrider #tastyfuture #wegovegan #future #climateactionnow #vegansofzürich #plantbased #cultureinzurich #localvegan #sustainablegastronomyday #sustainableculture #sustainableart #veganfood

What does this tool do?

The Green Rider is a template for artists and creative artists and institutions that they can easily pass on to venues. It enables environmentally friendly options to be requested, such as vegan catering, recommendations for vegetarian and vegan restaurants, plastic-free water or sustainable materials.

Who is this tool for?

The Green Rider is for artists, art workers and institutions and is available to everyone free of charge.

Why is this tool important?

The Green Rider is an important instrument in the performing arts to promote sustainability in an industry that is often very resource-intensive. It provides a clear framework for environmentally aware behaviour and makes it easier for artists and institutions to make environmentally friendly and more sustainable decisions.


Ownership: Tasty Future with Soya the Cow


