«Blackbox» is a theatrical performative Black*BIPOC/s space to make hidden white/Black* histories possible and visible. «Blackbox» holds historical materials of slaveries, colonialism, migration, racism and gives space to artworks, performances and discussions of Black*BIPOC artists, activists, researchers and many* more. «Blackbox» claims and demonstrates that at any given place and moment Black*aesthetics are history and political knowledge. «Blackbox» is a 3m3 cube that moves between different cities, towns and villages (in Switzerland). «Blackbox» is temporary and permanent. «Blackbox» invites people to come and re/structure their knowledge on local and global, historical and current contexts.
«Blackbox» is initiated and organized by experi_theater in Zurich. Over time, a changing collective of different participants evolves.
For the meaning of the self description *BIPOC see the glossary of The Diversity Style Guide.
Image: Blackbox Paradeplatz © experi_theater