Action Matrix – Turning Cultural Institutions into Ecological Players
A:Practice enables a global perspective on the planet’s ecological situation and defines four fields of action that can help to restore balance.
The tool was developed in collaboration with The Forgotten Angle Theatre Collaborative (FATC), South Africa, and KlimaKontor Basel, Switzerland.
What does this tool comprise?
A:Practice is centred around its “matrix of action”. This matrix provides guidance; it facilitates immediate action and the simultaneous implementation of various sustainability concepts. It is compatible with other approaches to organisational development.
Why is this tool important?
We see that ecological crises continue to escalate while social upheaval is on the rise. At the same time, we see the great potential of cultural institutions to contribute to a society that thinks and acts ecologically. We meet people in charge of institutions who feel the need to move from knowledge to action.
#south africa
#global perspective
#ecological narrative
What does this tool do?
The A:Practice Matrix of Action
- supports the development of institutional ecological competences
- empowers the organisation to take action in line with its specific location, resources and qualifications
- facilitates immediate action across all levels of the organisation
- invites all members of the organisation to contribute in line with their skills, motivation and personal interests
- makes it possible to implement multiple measures simultaneously
- reduces bureaucracy
- promotes trans-institutional networking
- provides a dramaturgical framework for ecological narratives
Who can use this tool?
A:Practice can be used by any individual, group, company, etc. Above all, it is intended for those who work in cultural institutions. It is also aimed at the people in charge of these institutions’ positioning and content: artistic directors, directors, management teams, authors, dramaturges, artists, curators, mediators, etc.
The Forgotten Angle Theatre Collaborative (FATC), est. 1995
KlimaKontor Basel, est. 2020
Barbara Ellenberger (A:Practice Switzerland)
Matthias Michel (A:Practice Switzerland)
Peter John Sabbagha (A:Practice South Africa)