Festival de la Cité Foundation

Reducing the impact of the Festival de la Cité

The Festival de la Cité is a free, multidisciplinary, intergenerational festival held in the Cité neighborhood of Lausanne. Festivals are places where utopian ideas can be put into practice through their interaction with art. Therefore, now, in the face of the climate crisis, they are more important than ever. Festivals promote values and explore new perspectives. In this context, it is vital for festivals to make the eco-friendly transition by developing good sustainable practices.

The Festival de la Cité is committed to reducing its environmental impact and developing its social responsibility. Following an assessment of the event’s environmental, social, societal and economic impact for the 2023 edition, the team wants to put in place sustainability measures through group training and concrete actions to be implemented for subsequent editions. What is more, the move of the Festival teams to the premises at Pyxis in September, which are shared with a number of other organisations including LUFF, FDS, Fête de la musique and Label Suisse, will provide an opportunity to pool the knowledge gained from this initiative.

People involved

Martine Chalverat, Director

Thomas Sigala, Head of Administration

Delphine Avrial, Head of the THQSE-Suisse initiative and quality label

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