
art+care is an initiative set up by caregivers to develop joint strategies for bringing artwork and carework together in ONE life.

Many of us are familiar with the pressure of overworking, having a bad conscience, giving justifications and so on, as well as the feeling of running after everyone else. art+care offers opportunities for networking and regular exchanges, facilitating to share experiences and develop positive and empowering complicities from our lonley struggles, from which we draw strength to bring about necessary changes in the cultural sector!

People involved

Mirjam Berger, theatre professional, Organisation Committee, Bern

Vera Bommer, actress, FemaleAct member, Organisation Committee, Basel

Beatrice Fleischlin, author, performer, Berlin/Basel

Nina Langensand, performance/film/theatre professional, Organisation Committee, Lucerne/Geneva

Ute Sengebusch, theatre professional, t.Punkt Chair, Organisation Committee, Basel

Elisa Elwert, Dramaturgy, Bern

Iris Keller, theater maker, Basel

Laura Küng, multimedia artist, social pedagogue, Zurich

Karin Lustenberger, artist, Basel/Lucerne

Johanna-Maria Raimund, dramaturge & production manager femaleAct & netzhdk board member & Federal Commission Dini Mueter EKdM

Regula Schröter, dramaturgy/teaching/consulting

Monika Truong, theater maker, sociologist, sinologist

Contact & Zoom meetings

Everyone who is interested is welcome to attend the Zoom meetings. The dates are communicated via Instagram, on the website, by email and in the Signal group.


Signal Chat Group