Disrupting Harm in Dance: How to Feel Safe, Connected, Empowered
A course of strategies and tools for performance arts communities
After years of community discussions, research, surveys, and working with dancers, Whistle creates an online course for dance professionals to learn real-life skills for navigating sexual harassment and abuse of power, discrimination, setting and maintaining boundaries, mental health, consent practices, advocacy and allyship, and community accountability.
In collaboration with dancers who have healed and/or experienced harm, psychologists, and experts in the field, Whistle aims to serve those who need this course most. The course offers time and space for dance professionals to examine their current ideas, unlearn practices that do not serve them, and develop new practices.
This online course can be done individually at one’s own pace or as a community in a local scene or institution.
People involved
Frances Chiaverini, dancer/choreographer/co-founder whistle, Zurich
Robyn Doty, writer/activist/co-founder Whistle, New Mexico, USA (currently)
Image: ©Whistle While You Work