g3 method

(shaping society together!)

Inspired by design thinking, this innovation method enables cultural practitioners to develop concrete and practical solutions to current challenges (such as participation and fair working conditions) in the performing arts. Six concrete guidelines have been developed:

Six guidelines

  • How can we work well with each other?
  • How can we learn more about other people’s specific needs?
  • How can we make good use of the insights we have gained?
  • How can we develop new ideas together?
  • How can we make an idea tangible?
  • How can we test our idea before we put it into action?


#design thinking
#create space

What can gachieve ?

The g3 method proposes a specific and immediate way to approach accessibility and participation. It is:

  • Free of charge because it does not require any form of professional moderation.
  • Ideal for encouraging groups of different types of people in heterogeneous groups of any size to participate.
  • Low threshold and simple to use, so it is easy to get started straight away without any introduction or special training.
  • Efficient because each workshop produces concrete results in just one hour.
  • Needs-orientated and can be used as a whole and individually in a wide range of combinations.
  • Practical as it focuses on key topics such as needs analyses, idea development and the designing and testing of prototypes.

Who is  aimed at?

The g3 method is offered to anyone who is involved with cultural institutions or projects, and people who would like to find concrete answers to concrete questions.

The process guidelines are also ideal for other topic areas such as politics, administration and civil society.

It is important that the g3 method should never be understood as a finished product. It should instead be seen as a way of giving people the opportunity to work constructively and collaboratively.

Why is the gmethod needed?

Complex challenges within culture and politics can no longer be satisfactorily managed by individuals or interest groups. The wide spectrum of needs is not only continually growing, but traditional forms of decision making are also increasingly being challenged.

Ways of reaching and involving the whole population more intensively and effectively in discussions relating to content are being discussed in depth in the arts and culture sector. Teams set up in a wide variety of ways are more creative, more effective and can therefore work more successfully.

About us

KIWit-Programme «Kultur+Wirtschaft»
Project lead: Moritz von Rappard, Co-development: Hanna Voss, Collaboration: Stefanie Neumeister

This work is licensed under a creative commons designation – non-commercial – under the same conditions as the 4.0 international licence.


The method is not completely inclusive yet because a lack of language skills and physical and mental disabilities make full participation more difficult. However, in the best-case scenario, each application in practice may open up further ideas or perspectives, which is why we especially welcome feedback.

A look back at the g3 workshop m2act@legrütli
